Saturday, January 24, 2009

My First Time...blogging.

This is my first attempt at be gentle with me. I just wanted to look at a blog for a new Etsy Street Team I joined today called the Handmade Hustlers, ( I had to sign up to see the posts, so here I am.
I met with a group of artists in Reno this afternoon. It was great to meet a bunch of folks passionate about crafting, like myself. We all have stores on the site. The point of the group is to join forces and combine our talents to promote ourselves and each other, on and in the physical world.
I'm looking forward to making friends and sharing info with them. It is exciting to imagine the things we will accomplish together.
I have a lot to learn about blogging, but I am willing and able.
Ciao for now,

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, girly!
    So glad you got right on that.
    It is hard to update often, but if you put the time into it, I think you will see awesome results. Also, if you have a google email account (its free!)
    you can do google analytics which will tell you where people found your blog link, how many visitors per day etc. It is really helpful. You can ask Bean, Pamela, or I for help if you need it!
    Happy Blogging!
